New Android Trojan found, but is it a big weakness? First off, any Trojan is a bad Trojan. However, there is something off about this story. I’m not saying its wrong or we should ignore this story, but there were a few things that kinda of bothered me. First off, who in world would call a trojan file ‘“Trojan-SMS.AndroidOS.FakePlayer.a”’ ??? I mean really. That like… Read More
MicroSoft Kin is dead to no surprise, not even MS The Kin was DOA for almost everyone who reviewed it. It was basically a low feature, low capability smart phone that was not that smart, nor much of a phone, and yet still had the same cost of a phone. You HAVE to imagine that even the brain dead at MS mobile knew this was… Read More
The iphone 4 death grip drop call fail should be fixed with iOS4.0.1 First of all, the ‘grip of death!’ was not a complete shock. Based on my testing on the iphone 3 looking at the various ways reception can be compromised, I had a feeling that having the antenna on the outside could be an issue. And lo and behold.. It does. So, can software along fix… Read More
Will the new iphone4 antenna reduce dropped calls? Not if you hold it wrong The new iphone4 not only does not seem to significantly improve reception, but hold it the wrong way and it make is it worse.… Read More
Is the AT&T online ordering failure a factor of demand or just plan FAIL? begin rant <rant> If you have been trying to order the new iphone 4, I’m sure you have been frustrated with the errors messages you have been getting back from AT&T. “There was a problem with your request,” the error message reads. “P1015: We’re sorry, but we are experiencing a system error that prevents us… Read More
At&t reception in SF is better, but not good enough, and no Verizon iPhone? Over the last 2 weeks I have noticed that my iphone was working slightly better in my office here SOMA in San Francisco, the home of cell phone purgatory. But not good enough. And of course, I still get dropped calls in Oakland and in Palo Alto. So now what? Well, I already decided that… Read More
Remember the idea of creating iphone apps from adobe flash? Forget it {UPDATE 2} A response from Lee Brimelow on his Flash Blog. I think this says it all. “… Now let me put aside my role as an official representative of Adobe for a moment as I would look to make it clear what is going through my mind at the moment. Go screw yourself Apple.”… Read More
GMail banned from Iran! They plan to build their own .. someday Just read this off CNET. Iran is blocking GMail in advance of the demonstrations set for Thursday. But just GMail? Why not Yahoo? Or Hotmail? Or other email systems? I would guess they figure cutting just one will disrupt enough communications to accomplish there goal. I’m also sure Twitter and Facebook will get blocked as… Read More
AT&T no longer selling iphones in New York City {Update: Iphones are on sale again in NY. WTF? My guess is they are going to say it was to fight fraud, but still, whomever manages AT&T command and control as far as messaging withing the company should be put on notice.. And if they change the story again? Then Fire them. } Are you… Read More
iphone app from Oracle that looks like its from a startup. Oracle has a new iphone app that looks ok. In the promotional animation, a business man is flying to Paris, France to give a presentation. Great. Often, and I can attest to this, you have to use cash for things because your card is not always accepted. So, this application called ‘iReceipts’ seems like any… Read More
Want to reduce drop calls and poor performance on AT&T, give them more money! That’s right kiddies! Your iPhone just does not do it anymore eh? Since upgrading to 3.0 you have seen worse performance and even worse battery life since 3.1? (more on that here) Dropped calls eh? MMS coming in WAY late? Missed a call… 4 hours ago? Well, there is a fix to all this.. short… Read More
Return of FAIL with iTunes9 long sync times I do not like iTunes. Never did. When I first got the iphone, I would avoid sync as much as possible because of the long sync times. After while, and with iTunes8, things got better. It would not lock up, and I would have a full sync in around 2-3 min. I can live with… Read More
iphone OS 3.1 is out. Still no itunes on multiple computers. I had my hopes, but it was a longshot. Nothing about sync’ing itunes to multiple computers, which means we still have to use the hack methods. Sigh. Do note; if you are unlocked, do NOT upgrade to 3.1 till the untrasn0w and redsn0w are ready. I’ll update this post as needed in case a later… Read More
No more AT&T only for the iphone? Rumor control I’ve heard this rumor a few times before, but given the recent uptick in AT&T complaints, and a seemingly upper growth cap on iphones, I can see it. And I really hope so. I have already complained many times about the poor service in SOMA in the SF area. Here is the part of Piper… Read More
iPhone good, AT&T, not so much Like I’m surprised here. Over 90% of people surveyed like their iphone, 1/3 dislike AT&T. I already decided to give t-mobile on my HTC a try once I get my trail account up and running, which is another story. But read this from computer world.. “the latest ChangeWave survey, which polled nearly 200 owners of… Read More
iPhone SMS hack not patched?? After 6 weeks? When this story first broke 2 days ago, I though; well they are going to release a patch pretty soon given that the vulnerability is going to be released today at the black hat hackers meeting. Well, guess what I read in CNET? Apple new about this for 6 weeks!!! Are you kidding me? From… Read More
Apple kicks Google Voice out of the iPhone bed. It never seems to end… Apple rejected Google Voice and removed GV Mobile from the app store. This is really a pain because I JUST got a work blackberry and will need to start managing my communication a little better. Being able to do that from my iPhone would be perfect. Seems Apple (read AT&T?)… Read More