With consumer AR; function follows form. Consumer AR use cases for Nreal glasses I’m going to start this post with this statement: With consumer AR; function follows form. Now for most of you, you might remember the old design mantra; ‘Form follows function.’ For those that are unfamiliar, it basically implies design what you need first, then the form will follow. As a past Berkeley Architecture student this… Read More
Qubop Creates MICROS inMotion, Bringing The Consumer Experience to Enterprise Mobile In the past year, we’ve seen rapid infusion of consumer technologies into today’s workplace in the form of mobile apps. This trend is driven by two factors: the movement towards bring-your-own-device (BYOD), and the fact that enterprise apps now use consumer sales channels. As a result, user expectations on mobile are steadily rising, and customers… Read More
NFC payments, where Visa see’s it going. NFC payments are still trying to take hold, but while at MobileBeat, I’m listening to Bill Gajda, Head of Global Mobile Product, Visa Inc. about the future of NFC. He is saying that in NY taxi cabs and subways are starting to accept NFC payments. Big box stores are just starting to come on board… Read More
What the latest meetup tells us about android windows and iphone interest I went to a meetup recently that talked about development on the windows phone 7, android and iOS platforms. When asked for a show of hands on what people were interested in, android was far and away of greatest interest. iOS and windows were at perhaps 10% of the house each. Interesting. I would have… Read More
Should I develop for Apple iOS or Android? (Note: this post is a living document) As recently as 6 months ago, this would be a silly question. The general rule is that you always build on Apples iOS first then Android second, then other OS’s later. Assuming you have the skills or people to choose what to build for, the common thinking is… Read More