Saw this poster for the Black Eyed Peas and it didn’t work. As an augmented reality developer and fan of BEP, I had to fix this. Here is the video I made of Augmenting the Black Eyed Peas Time. Android apps used in this example are Google Goggles and Junaio from Metaio.… Read More

So I was recently exposed to the post Augmented Reality Finds a Place to Fit: Shopping! The article states, “Two recent AR implementations show promise, however, by adding value and actually demonstrating how useful the technology can be.” The author of the post is referring to Converse’s Sampler application for AppleiOS devices and a TryOnBathingSuit… Read More

This is cool. Nothing new as far as technology, but finding hidden places; like less know beaches or a small store or other lessor know gem can be hard, so the application of a virtual tour guild would be pretty useful here. It’s hitting the apple store Dec 8, just in time for the Hawaii… Read More

If any of you read my articles for iphonelife magazine, or read this post from awhile back, you know that I said one of big things we have to look forward to are virtual pets we can play with because they will be able to respond the environment around us. I can imagine an iphone… Read More

Augmented reality apps on mobile has been news off and on over the last few months. There are have been a series of cool apps, and I even posted part of an article I write for iphoneLife here. But even with the parade of cool new apps, we have only just touched on the possibilites. … Read More

That’s right, carry that 3D animated character around with you!  Course, this is not a real tattoo, but instead just good pen work, but really, you do not need much graphic skilz. Although viewing AR through graphic code recognition is still in its infancy, its coming into play fast, and with the new crop of… Read More

I’ve been working on an article for iphoneLife on and off about the best Augmented Reality application for the iphone. I have also been checking out Android AR apps as well.  And so far, there are very few good apps out there that do anything more then provide 3D search of sorts.  But, some apps… Read More

Awhile back I wrote a piece on Augmented Reality and hypothesized on various application I could see coming the in the future. One of those application was being able to see new building design at the actual construction site.  Well, Layer has released 3.0 and what do they have as the first bit of eye… Read More

I wrote this as a companion piece for an article that may show up in the next issue of iphoneLife, but I thought I would include it here and now since AR is getting more relevant.  Also, one of the things I said NEEDS to part of the AR toolkit for iphone (mobile) got a… Read More

Just saw this on Techcrunch.  It looks pretty cool although I could not get it to work quite right.  Could be a GPS issue. Anyway, I think this is just the beginning of a flood of location / orientation away apps that are on the way.   And the fact this is using Bing is quiet… Read More

I just wrote about the first iphone AR app to show up, and now here is ANOTHER Android AR app.  This gives you traffic cams for Toronto. Not sure if there is one for San Francisco, but I’ll look into it. Im not sure how useful this app is, but its clear we are about… Read More

Read this in the LA Times.  No Augmented Reality Apps till iphone 3.1 comes out.  Why? Because part of what make this work is a function called ‘camera viewer’. This is a ‘restricted’ function and we should be playing with it.  But, when 3.1 comes out, we can!  huh? What difference does that make?  Sure… Read More