app review – As Seen Through PeriVision An Mobile centric blog ... Full of Tech goodness Sun, 10 Oct 2021 16:32:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 4666035 Ray-Ban Facebook Glasses: Good, Bad, and not quite the AR Wed, 15 Sep 2021 00:15:59 +0000 Read More]]> I got the Ray-Ban Facebook ‘AR’ smart glasses over the weekend. So first off, they are not AR. However, I fully understand when Mark pitches these are a step in that direction. And fair enough, building a system to allow wireless media communications from the glasses to a phone, and setting up a publishing platform on FB is a step. Unfortunately, when you mention AR, people go nuts and as expected, back-lash from people getting all hot and heaving pointing out this is NOT AR.


So the Good. They look good. This is extremely important. As I have stated quite a few times in my past posts, anything that you put on your head must look good. Cannot get around this. And they do. The Image capture quality is very good as well. I took a picture in low light and the image was corrected once it got to the app on my phone. Nice.

Call quality was good as well. Not great, but very good. The person I was talking to on the other end could not tell the difference between this and normal headphones. I took a few calls on it and really liked it. In fact, I like it more then putting in and taking out ear buds if for no other reason then its easier.

The Bad. Sound quality for other the voice calls was NOT so good. Perhaps this is not intended for listening to music. I tried two tracks, a chillhop where I listen for clarity, and something a bit more bass heavy. The chillhop middles and highs were ok, but really could not feel the bottom. When I hit the bass heavy track, not only was there no bottom, it started to get noisy as I tried to turn it up. This was a BIG disappointment given how great the Bose Glasses sound.

So this is a bit of a short review, and I may add to it later, but basically, if you are into take lots of casual photos and short videos, these are pretty good. As long as its not of yourself. 🙂 If you are into music, like I am, give it a miss.

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View 2D Android apps in VR with PhoneCast – S8 only Fri, 15 Sep 2017 15:08:56 +0000 Read More]]> Here is something I have been waiting for, the ability to use my 2D Android applications and 2D games in VR.  The way it works is a 2D window is provided in your VR environment.  Within that window you can run Android apps!  Sweet Right? This GearVR App is call PhoneCast which is already out there.  Currently the applications you can use have to be white-listed.  However, all of the current apps are video streaming services, something that does not really interest me.  However, I got to test a new version that has a ‘labs’ area where instead of white listing apps, certain apps are ‘black listed’.  That means there are certain apps that are not allowed to run, but the rest are up to the user.  So of course, some apps may work, some may not.  That is why its called ‘Labs’ my friends.  The everyday apps seems to work fine, email, google photos, PowerPoint.  Typing with the keyboard was not fun, but this is to be expected.  I will say looking at PowerPoint is way better with the large display then using my phone.  As much as I like productivity apps, I really wanted to try a few games.

  • Quick note.  Look likes it US phones only running the Qualcomm chip for now.

Some games seemed to have a glitch the first time I would try them.  I tried Fallout Shelter first.  Did not load the first time, but worked fine after that.  Not sure what the story is here. Same with Pokemon Go. Did not work the first time, then works fine.  However,  it locks to portrait and when using AR, the camera does not display correctly.  I turned AR off and it was fine after that. few other games seemed locked to one view port or another, but that was not too much of an issue after I got used to it.  I would make the window a bit smaller for portrait games, larger for landscape.

I then tried Monument Valley, a favorite of mine.  This took 3 tried, but again, seems to work after that.  That game play was even nicer with the view port set to the largest setting despite portrait mode.  I have it smaller in my screenshot.  It took a little bit of effort to get used to the controller, but I got it down soon enough.  I do not like this screenshot that much, but for some reason, screen capture and video capture are iffy with PhoneCast.  There is a video of this at the bottom of the post as well.

What was really cool was trying ARCore apps in PhoneCast.  It ‘mostly’ works, and when I say mostly, that is because the viewport is not locked to the head. If you check out the video below you will see what I mean.  Still, VERY cool! I tried the first ARCore app that was released, ‘Atom Visualizer‘ from Signal Garden.   I contacted the good people involved in this project and made a request, we’ll see how it goes.  If they can lock the view port, this would be really fun!  Have a look for the video at the bottom of this post.

Here is a Pro tip for you.  The controller takes a bit of time to get used to, so don’t get put off.  Keep working at it.  BTW, there is not pinch to zoom.  Something I found out on Fallout Shelter.  Hopefully they will find a work around.  I suggested they should map something on the controller for zooming and zoom around the center view.  That could take some work though.

So there you go!  Enjoy.

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Pebble watch working with Microsoft phones? Kinda? Download at the end. Mon, 16 Mar 2015 02:31:58 +0000 Read More]]> microsoft-pebbleI’m sure you have seen the news.  Microsoft has a private beta out there for 48, now 24 hours, and then … well we do not know what will happen then.  However, the simple beta is mostly about getting bluetooth notification with Pebble to work.  Although this sounds pretty simple and not indicative of an effort on Microsoft’s side to make Windows phone work with Pebble, it would make a lot of sense and be consistent with what Microsoft has been doing for the past year as it tried to get Microsoft on all devices.

Microsoft does have there own line of ‘watches’ although they are more exercise bands then watches, but so far they have not gone full-in on the smartwatch market.  They may at some point, but that is not why I think Microsoft is going to try to get on the Pebble.  They want Microsoft everywhere. And right now, the Pebble watch works on the two major OS’s, iOS, and Android.  If Microsoft wants to be considered a major OS in the mobile market, its a bit of an embarrassment that they are not considered important enough that Pebble, maintaining its position as a major watch brand, is not included.  As such it would make sense for Microsoft phones to be able to use the Pebble watch as well showing they are a major player.

So for now, you can downloaded from a link provided by from their post. I have not tried it so proceed with cation.



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Top 10 Apps for the Gear VR HMD Fri, 06 Mar 2015 03:17:53 +0000 Read More]]> gear vr back(Note, I’m posting this now, but its not done. But what I do want is feedback. Good list? Bad list? you have a better top 10? Tell me.) I finally got my Note 4 and start loading apps on the Samsung Gear VR and here is my top ten favorites.  Normally I do not include games in my top 10 but with the Gear VR I will make an exception.  Before I get to the list, a comment.  There are a number of Apps that show 360 video and images.  I’m going to list this as one item because basically, its the quality of the video that makes or breaks this experience.  Some of the video I saw was poor and really did not take me into the virtual space where others, like the Cirque du Soleil and the Patrick Watson music demo really make me feel like I was there.  As for the other VR applications I played with, non of them really felt like they were really taking advantage of what you can do in a VR helmet while at the same time, not making the user feel sick.  This is a very difficult feat to achieve.  Creating an experience where all the action is basically in front of you and your are motionless in the environment could also be achieved with a large screen and really good 3D glasses.  However, if you create movement in the VR scene that is too far in conflict to the fact your ears and body are telling you that you are not moving will give your user VOR, better known as VR sickness quickly.

A final note about the Gear VR and the lenses fogging up.  Every time I put this one the lens fog up on me.  To fix this I went to a sky shoppe and bought defogging liquid for the lens.  It works great for one use, but once it drys, then you are back to where you started.  This is a first try at a VR HMD for Samsung and they made it clear this is a developers version, so I’ll give it a pass for now.

Oh and use earplugs.  Worth it.  Many of these demos lose something when playing sound through a speaker.

Unlike other sites, I will put the list down here first, then I will create a page per app because each one make the list for a different reason.

10.   Playhead

I was really on the fence with Playhead because it did not appeal to me, but I appreciate the effort and the imagination that went into this effort.   I’m sure this would be higher on other peoples lists.

9.  DarkNet

8. Titans Of Space

7.  Vanguard V  :  Nightitme Terror  : Lunsee

6.  Dreadhalls

5.  Anshar Wars

4  Herobound: First Steps

3. Matterport VR : Gyeonju VR Museum

2.  Esper

1.   360 Video’s .  BTW the NBA videos look good but still wish the video was a bit more HD.  In a few weeks we are suppose to be able to watch the All Stars game.  Not sure if we get to see the whole game, or highlights or what.


Temple VR did not make it because they violate a basic rule in VR, do not move a users point of view too fast.  When you dodge from one side to another you will get VR sickness pretty fast.

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Square Lets You Pre-Order Coffee So It’s Hot When You Arrive Wed, 08 Oct 2014 17:50:34 +0000 Read More]]> Square really wants to be a part of your daily routine, so what better place to start than coffee? Mashable dot com says Square announced a new feature today that lets customers pre-order a cup of coffee so that their beverage is ready when they arrive. Traditionally, remote ordering has been difficult to execute for coffee shops because it jeopardizes the quality of goods. Johnny Brackett, a rep for Square, told Mashable via email that it’s hard to take a pre-order for a cup of coffee and have it be hot when a customer arrives. So they focused on building technology that would overcome this obstacle. The pre-order is only submitted to the baristas when the app determines they need to start brewing the coffee, based on the customer’s current location and the prep time for the drink. The Square Order app is available for download and will work with Blue Bottle Coffee, among other places.

Square let's you get it hot.

Square lets you get it hot.



View original story here.

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Microsoft Adds To Office Line With Sway Storytelling App Wed, 01 Oct 2014 20:29:12 +0000 Read More]]> Before Windows Phone and the Windows Store, some of the software most associated with Microsoft was Office. But though the Office portfolio has undergone several updates and refreshes over the years, the lineup itself has remained relatively unchanged — until now. Microsoft rolled out a preview version of Sway , its new storytelling app, which will be added to the Microsoft Office family. Like other apps in the Office line, Sway is about creation. It essentially turns any browser into a “digital canvas” that can be filled with text, images and videos.

Microsoft Sway

Microsoft Sway

View original story here.

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Pinterest To Launch New Ad Targeting Features Fri, 26 Sep 2014 18:40:52 +0000 Read More]]> Add Pinterest to the social media networks that will be watching your every click. TechCrunch reports that this week, the company quietly announced that it will soon offer new conversion tracking and audience targeting features to its advertisers. Pinterest says this is to allow advertisers to better understand how Promoted Pins affect their business, and what can be done to further personalize those Pins for Pinterest users. When it begins in a few weeks, Pinterest will collect information from online advertisers, like whether clicks on ads led to purchases, or information, like a list of criteria to use in targeting ads.





Advertisers will now be able to add a tracking pixel to their Promoted Pins to collect information on how well a Pin is doing. That pixel on the advertiser’s site can determine which customers are arriving after either viewing or clicking on an advertiser’s Promoted Pin. And in turn, Pinterest can then use that data to customize a consumer’s experience on its website. The company says it will update its Privacy Policy on October 19th.

You can view the original story here.


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How to lock and unlock your Android phone with your Pebble watch Thu, 10 Apr 2014 06:36:13 +0000 Read More]]> pebble lockerThis is a very cool app.  The way it works is very simple.  When the phone detects that it is near the watch (makes a bluetooth connection), it unlocks the phone.  When that connection is lost, it locks the phone up again.  Sweet!  Its called Pebble Locker and its not a Pebble app, but an Android app.  The free version works pretty well but if you get the Premium version it has a few other nice features.  The one I like is that it will unlock your phone when connected to your home wifi.  Nice!

So there you go!  This will make my top ten pebble apps for sure.  I’ll try to update that list tomorrow.


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A fap gauge for Pebble. Really. Its called FapGauge. Genius Thu, 27 Mar 2014 23:51:35 +0000 Read More]]> fapgauge pebbleNot much more I can say here.  A fap gauge for the Pebble smart watch.  FapGauge. Pretty straight forward:

– up button starts recording
– down button stops
– long press on the select button erases the highscore

Records how long you take, how many faps total end faps per second.
The highest fps is saved in the watch’s persistent storage.

Pure Genius

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Leaving iPhone for Android. The last straw, my Pebble watch Wed, 23 Oct 2013 22:31:08 +0000 Read More]]> kanji pebbleI have been using the iphone 4 for a long time now.  It works well.  I had it jailbroken and customized to do what I want. Never did update to the iPhone 4S and also skipped out on the five because I was too invested in the old docking station.  So much so, I had a very cool car radio that allowed me to dock the phone directly on the radio.  Then I got the Pebble.

I liked the Pebble but it never really worked right.  Was hearing there were apps that could address many of the issues but I had to upgrade.  So I upgraded to 6.1.3 (no choice) then performed a tethered jailbreak.  Kind of a pain, but it worked.  However, the problems persisted.  The iPhone would still lose connection to the Pebble, I would not get all my notifications, and names never showed up when people called me, only numbers.  I was getting pretty sick of this so I upgraded to 7.0 hoping that would help.  It did,  but only a bit.  However, now my phone was becoming so slow, I could barely use it.  At the time, there was no way to go back to 6.1.3.  That was the last straw.  I was done with the iPhone.

But I have been thinking of bailing for awhile now anyway lest you think it was just about a watch.  I have been watching cooler and cooler Android devices coming out and nothing new from Apple.  I was getting annoyed that I had to work twice as hard to do basic customizing that Android basically allowed out of the box. My Girlfriend had a Samsung and it took better pictures and the few times I used it, I thought the UI was actually better.  The big thing that really bothered me is that Apple was always trying to force me to update to the latest version and never go back.  And there was always this game of cat and mouse with jailbreak.  I should not have to work this hard to customize things on my phone.

Once iOS7 came out it was clear they were playing catch up with the Android OS. So why was I holding on?  I can get an Android device with a bigger screen, cheaper price and do everything the iPhone can do and more. And so, with my trusty iPhone 4 no longer usable as it once was, I got a Samsung S3.  (it was on sale)

My first impressions was ‘Oh God Why?’  I had to start over with everything; all my accounts, installing my normal suite of apps, and learning a new way to do everything.  However, after a little more then a week, I fond that I was doing things faster on the Samsung then I could on the iphone. I’m still getting used to the keyboard, but swipe has won me over. I’m still getting used to the larger screen and the phone being more slippery, but that will be addressed once I get a good case

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