I got the Ray-Ban Facebook ‘AR’ smart glasses over the weekend. So first off, they are not AR. However, I fully understand when Mark pitches these are a step in that direction. And fair enough, building a system to allow wireless media communications from the glasses to a phone, and setting up a publishing platform… Read More

Here is something I have been waiting for, the ability to use my 2D Android applications and 2D games in VR.  The way it works is a 2D window is provided in your VR environment.  Within that window you can run Android apps!  Sweet Right? This GearVR App is call PhoneCast which is already out… Read More

(Note, I’m posting this now, but its not done. But what I do want is feedback. Good list? Bad list? you have a better top 10? Tell me.) I finally got my Note 4 and start loading apps on the Samsung Gear VR and here is my top ten favorites.  Normally I do not include… Read More

Square really wants to be a part of your daily routine, so what better place to start than coffee? Mashable dot com says Square announced a new feature today that lets customers pre-order a cup of coffee so that their beverage is ready when they arrive. Traditionally, remote ordering has been difficult to execute for… Read More

Before Windows Phone and the Windows Store, some of the software most associated with Microsoft was Office. But though the Office portfolio has undergone several updates and refreshes over the years, the lineup itself has remained relatively unchanged — until now. Microsoft rolled out a preview version of Sway , its new storytelling app, which… Read More

Add Pinterest to the social media networks that will be watching your every click. TechCrunch reports that this week, the company quietly announced that it will soon offer new conversion tracking and audience targeting features to its advertisers. Pinterest says this is to allow advertisers to better understand how Promoted Pins affect their business, and what… Read More

This is a very cool app.  The way it works is very simple.  When the phone detects that it is near the watch (makes a bluetooth connection), it unlocks the phone.  When that connection is lost, it locks the phone up again.  Sweet!  Its called Pebble Locker and its not a Pebble app, but an… Read More

Not much more I can say here.  A fap gauge for the Pebble smart watch.  FapGauge. Pretty straight forward: – up button starts recording – down button stops – long press on the select button erases the highscore Records how long you take, how many faps total end faps per second. The highest fps is… Read More

Augmented Reality (AR) has been around for a long time, but it has yet to really find a local role in a major vender.  That has changed.  IKEA has a new app that work on both iOS and Android that will allow you check out various IKEA furniture as it would look in your place.… Read More

Today Pebble released update 1.2.   So far, the only thing I have noticed is Gmail support.  But that is huge. I know with Android you can already do this with various tools, but for non jailbroken iOS users, this is a great new function. Now this is not the greatest thing in the world if… Read More

Yup.  If you have a Nest Thermostat and an iPhone, then you are on luck.  You can get your nest data on our Pebble.  Sweet.  Right now its read only, but the dev is working on change the temp from the watch!   Nice.  Lets keep an eye out and with him luck. http://forums.getpebble.com/discussion/6556/nest-thermostat-with-pebble… Read More

I finally got my Pebble watch after near a year from when I bought it on kickstarter.  When I first bought it I figured, well there will not be many applications at first, but hopefully some core useful apps will come out.  Now that I have the watch my reaction is .. meh.  However, Best… Read More

So Microsoft reversed itself.  All along they have been claiming that DRM is the soul of the system, and they reverse it in a few days.  What a joke. Here is the thing, the can turn it back on again anytime they want.  Also, now they claim they had to remove family and other features. … Read More

This is a bit late but I have been busy.  So its pretty old news now that yes many of the ‘New’ UI improvements in iOS7 have been around for awhile.  Many via Jailbreak.  So say something you really liked in iOS7?  Check out this list.  Odds are you can have it. However, before we… Read More

The rumors were true. Apple has finally overhauled its UI; and it looks like a combination of Metro and flaticons (Jailbreak).  I guess that says something for the Metro design approach. The redesign is cleaner and more efficient, but somehow it just does not sit well.  It feels like its trapped between Metro and the… Read More