Flash on the Android. Getting closer… This just came through the wires via Cnet.. Marking a departure from the world of iPhone, HTC’s new Android-based Hero phone will also come with the ability to handle Flash elements that adorn many Web sites and powers YouTube video. Adobe Systems announced on Wednesday that its Flash Player will be built into the HTC… Read More
Update on Flash coming to the iPhone. Nope, still nothing soon.. But the Pre and Android? Later this year So, we get a story in the Wall Street Journal talking about Flash on mobile devices. Adobe says access to mobile is key! So what is new? Nothing!! Apple and RIM still ‘Do not want!’ and Android, Palm and Nokia ‘Do want!’. I have my HTC from googleIO with Android 1.5. Looking forward to experimenting… Read More
Unboxing the free Andriod Phone at GoogleIO – with images! First off, Ta to Google for the HTC (not G-1) phone and the 30 day phone chip. The chip is 30 days from when you turn it on, so I will stick with the wifi for awhile. I do need to lookup how long this chip is good for. I turned on the phone and… Read More
Flash 10 coming to a mobile phone near you.. as long as its not an iphone Arrgg.. every time I read anything about the FAIL on getting flash running on the iphone, it just bugs the heck out of me. So guess what I read today from cnet? ‘Lynch demonstrated Flash Player 10 on devices running Nokia’s Symbian operating system, Microsoft’s Windows Mobile, and Google’s Android operating system. But the quintessential… Read More
Android on Netbooks. its coming.. and I, for one, welcome our new overlords. MATTHÄUS KRZYKOWSKI & DANIEL HARTMANN wrote an article for VentureBeat on how they were able to get Android working on the EEEPC 1000h. Link here.. Now for most of us mobile geeks, this is not shocking news… as a concept.. but given how quick they were able to do it, and also given how the… Read More
The next Andriod phone is a swiss army knife … Shame its zzzPhone I have been hearing on the interWebs that zzzPhone is at it again. This time, an Andriod phone. This looks about as dodgy as it gets, but I love the concept. I heard about these guys back in March and dismissed it. Well, they pop up now and again.. This time they are running Andriod. … Read More
Google voice search app may appear Monday I just read on TechCrunch that the Google voice-recognition search application may be delayed till Monday. Yesterday Google took the video down after a week of hyping, and pretty good hyping at that. Seems that Google and Apple were not totally aligned on the release date for this thing. That is a bit of a… Read More
Andriod G1 or iPhone? 7 Questions to help you decide I was at the T-Mobile store checking out the G1. As I was experimenting, and comparing my iPhone next to the G1, someone came up and asked me; ‘should I get this or the iPhone?’ Not a simple answer. So clearly, time to post the list of questions to help people out: 1) How important… Read More
no headphone jack on the Abdroid G1 … FTW? Really? I mean com’on ere! You have to buy a ExtUSB thats not even out yet? Wow. So its great news that Amazon has a mp3 store all set up and ready to go. You just have to wait to hear it. Gezzz… Update: seems some people are saying in various comments that you can… Read More