NYT reporter responds to Elons claims that he faked poor Tesla test drive So, like any story, there seems to be 8 sides to this coin. As I just wrote about a few hours ago, Tesla’s founder and CEO Elon Musk claims that the Article written by John Broder in the New York Times claiming that the Tesla Model S was not matching claimed range and in fact… Read More
How Tesla caught the New York Times faking a test drive and why this is more then just a bad reporter story I’m already in the market to buy an electric or extended hybrid so I tend to pay attention to these story more then most people. Now, I do not exactly consider the New York Times the go to publication for news on electric cars, however, like most people, I normally accept anything I read in… Read More
Cool pics of the East Cost and Boston snowed under Thanks to Reddit for these. Want to see what MEGA TONNES of snow looks like? check out these. If you see a few other cools pics, let me know, I’ll add them. … Read More
2007. The year the iPhone made the world more quiet, less interactive OK, that was a really misleading title, but in a way, it sums up what I have observed in the last few years. There are so many people with smart phones, that as I’m sitting on the train typing this, 85% of the people in my car are looking at phones or tablets, headphone in,… Read More
Cydia is not down, just under heavy load because of new Jailbreak If you are trying to access Cydia and having issues, dont worry, its simply under heavy load at the moment. The new jailbreak evati0n just broke today, so everyone who have an iPhone 5 who has been waiting for a jailbreak has jumped at it. Odds this will last for a few days as people… Read More
Jailbreak for iOS6.1 on iphone 5 is out. Called evasi0n And its out. Called evasi0n they claim to Jailbreak 6.x iOS’s, untethered, on the A5 chips found on the iPhone 5 and future Apple mobile devices I’m sure…. Till the A6 comes out. I have not tried this jailbreak myself, and as I ALWAYS say, give this a few days to a week to be… Read More
Get Windows Media Center Free till Jan 31 if you have Windows 8 pro I just got a heads up on this. Go to this address. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-8/feature-packs And remember, you only have till the end of the month before the price of Windows 8 jumps from $40 to $200. If you have a PC, ESPECIALLY if you have an old one, get it. … Read More
Grow up Windows haters. You sound like a bunch of trolls I was around during the PC wars of the 90’s, watch people piss on Windows when XP came out, then piss on Vista (although Vista deserved it) and then 7, and now everyone is hating on Windows 8 because of “Metro”. Screw off. While I think the whole apps thing on Apps on Windows 8… Read More
It is now illegal to unlock your phone, but there is a petition to reverse that As I wrote yesterday, it is now illegal to unlock your phone to work on another carriers network. This will make quite a few people unhappy, especially those who make a business out of helping people get the codes needed to unlock their phones. But they are not taking this laying down, already there is… Read More
Unlocking your phone will be illegal tomorrow. Should you care? For most people, probably not. Just in case you do not know what unlocking is; unlocking your cell phone allows you to use a phone carrior other then what is ‘locked’ to your phone. For example, if you bought an iphone that is locked to AT&T, you can ONLY use AT&T. However, if you ‘unlock’… Read More
What is the difference between unlock and jailbreak for the iPhone? Tomorrow, Jan 26, if you buy a smart cell phone, its illegal to unlock it to work on a different carrier. If you already have a phone or buy one today, you are safe. This has caused many people to think that jailbreaking will be illegal tomorrow. No. Jailbreaking is still legal. Which leads to… Read More
I gave a windows 8 app a try. And it already failed I have been using Windows 8 on my 5+ year old PC laptop for awhile now and have been happy enough with it. In fact, I always encourage anyone I know to update to Windows 8. Its worth it. The “metro” part of win8 however, has never been of much value to me. Actually, no… Read More
Windows 8 evaluation version timing out today It was going to happen sooner or later. Windows 8 crashed on me, rebooted, then said it will reboot in an hour and every 2 hours after that. Sigh. Fair enough, but why pretend it was a crash? Could have just have a picture of the grim reaper and said, “Your time is up”. Ah… Read More
Craigslist now has thumbnails and maps. FINALLY! I do not know when this went live, but I’m MUCH happier. I cannot believe how long it took for this to happen. So much better. The thumbs are a little small, but that is ok, just mouse over and you will get a bigger image. Also, there is a map view. I think this… Read More
Untethered Jailbreak for iOS6 is working, but your not going to get it. Wait, what? They have a working jailbreak for iOS6 and I cannot get it? Why? Well because the cat and mouse game with Apple had entered its next dimension. Consider that we have gone from checkers to chess. David Wang wrote on r/jailbreak that they already have an exploit but do not want to release… Read More
A cool iphone android retro phone handset Yes, this is pure dorky goodness, but I dont care. It works! I got this retro phone handset on sale for under $10. Last one at Bed and Bath in fact. The funny thing is, just like the original iphone phone handle, this is practical. Its kind of funny how popular this is. Go on… Read More
Top Best Tech Wishes for 2013 2012 has been quite a year in tech, but things are still missing, and I have plenty of tech wishes for 2013. I’m going to make my wishes doable instead of AGAIN wishing for a flying car for the everyday joe. So here is my list for for 2013 in no particular order. Improve existing… Read More
Hyper Fast HTML5. Fastest Javascript CSS ever. I cannot believe I did not write about this when I first saw it. Famo.us is a firm that decided to see just how fast they could get an HTML5 to render. The test was to render 3D in using HTML only, no plugins. The way they got this page to run so fast is… Read More
An Apple watch, or iWatch. Sure. Heck, called that last year Almost exactly a year in fact I wrote about an Apple smart watch. It makes sense given what can be done with siri. Well now rumors are flying around ( broken by mobilegeeks and BI ) that Apple is finally getting around to building a watch. Given the move to more portable and wearable computing,… Read More
Review of Ivee, the talking voice actuation alarm clock .. The talking alarm clock. Suddenly Mr. Ed pop into my head. Anyway, Ivee, is a talking (or better voice actuate) alarm clock radio. Although its not perfect, its pretty darn impressive. On the plus side, it works using voice as you would expect. You can speak ‘hello ivee’ and then provide a number of… Read More