Welcome to PeriVision Loops, currently home of Looping The Smiths, but hopefully that will expand to other artist as well in time. tl:dr for the last two years, just after Corona started up, I started playing guitar again, (mostly The Smiths) and then took up the hobby of ‘looping’ Looping is creating a song using… Read More

SOoo much to unpack from yesterday. Ok, lets take this one at a time. First the stock jump to over $1000 a share. In less than a week, TSLA went from $775 to close at $1080 today with a peak at $1094. This 25% jump is pretty crazy. So what is going on? Two things.… Read More

I got the Ray-Ban Facebook ‘AR’ smart glasses over the weekend. So first off, they are not AR. However, I fully understand when Mark pitches these are a step in that direction. And fair enough, building a system to allow wireless media communications from the glasses to a phone, and setting up a publishing platform… Read More

I just got the Nreal AR glasses dev kit. I’m going to skip unboxing and intro stuff since there are plenty of those on the web already. So this is a day 0 review, what I did as soon I got them. So lets jump right in. First off, the glasses do not fit me… Read More

I finally got my Tesla Model 3 a few weeks back.  Driving in an unfamiliar parking area, I did an over correction avoiding a pedestrian and ‘crunch’, I scrapped the rim on my M3.  Sigh.  So here is how you can repair the damage without taking the wheel off or paying $200 to a shop.… Read More

We shot this a month or more back, but did not upload it for some reason. Until now. This is a ‘work’ band and we shot this late at night in a cafeteria. Suppose to be this cool Space Odyssey -ish open with 360 vid cuts, but .. well you’ll see. I think its better… Read More

Here is something I have been waiting for, the ability to use my 2D Android applications and 2D games in VR.  The way it works is a 2D window is provided in your VR environment.  Within that window you can run Android apps!  Sweet Right? This GearVR App is call PhoneCast which is already out… Read More

Back in 2016 I did a presentation on the Future of VR.  On one slide was titled: VR, AR, MR… XR?  Basically wondering how to describe yet another way to experience VR where Virtual World, is mapped to the real world, but its fully immerse, but one or two real things pop through.  Ug.  So… Read More

Here we go. Another VR hackathon happening in SF (Microsoft Reactor 680 Folsom St Ste. 145 San Francisco, CA 94107) I expect lots of Vives, Oculus and GearVR’s.  I should not have to explain to you dear readers at this point what a VR hackathon is.  BTW, the site says its sold out, but its… Read More