I’ve been working on TwittFilter for quite awhile now, and I think it’s at a level where I can call it Beta.  Not Google Beta, but Beta is the way we used to know it.  Mostly there, but not fully perfect or fully bug free.

Note: With twitter moving to full OAuth, not all features are available at this moment.  Scoring and other user settings should be available soon.

ok, first, what is TwittFilter?

TwittFilter is a web based application that is geared not as a twitter messaging system, but instead, a collection of tools to filter the twitter stream to help you get to the info you want. I started writing this as I’ve found twitter becoming my second email system.  As such, I decided I needed a few email like tools.  Hence the address book, and then a scoring system… And it grew from there.  Many of the little things that really bother me about twitter, and I can see it only getting worse as it grows in popularity, became additional functions that I put into the system.  And there are more to come. 🙂

The three following features are the main highlights so far..

FriendFilter: New Follower scoring and notification.
TwittFilter will look at both friend/follow lists, recent activity, friend follow ratio (and a few other things) and give you a score from 0 to 5. You can set the min score before you get an email. This service will also send you grouped emails when you get a reply.  More on FriendFilter here.. You can sign up for emails here.
twitterbird_sm Sorted & Searchable Tweets.
There are many great twitter viewing apps out there, but they all seem to have the same limitation. They list the messages in order based on time. We all know a few tweeters who get.. say.. post happy? In TwittFilter, messages are grouped by user and limited to the first 3 only. Your welcome.
address_sm Search your friends or followers like an address book.
Cannot remember your friends twitter name? Type in a few letters of either their twitter name or real name, and get a list of matches. Then click on their icon or type a message right in the program.

Currently TwittFilter is web based only.  There are some minor issues on the iphone, but I’m working on them.  I detect for iphone ( and one day, BBerry) and have a thin page for mobile devices.  Now again, this is Beta, so if you find any bugs or have idea where a simple change would make it better, please let me know.

..and now.. some screen shots.  🙂

Example email:


Dashboard view using the ‘Dark’ color scheme.



Older Layout…




(I) details on a selected tweeter

Example of searching ‘K’ in the address book

Back the dark theme again..


3 column Search with duplicate removal

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