Square really wants to be a part of your daily routine, so what better place to start than coffee? Mashable dot com says Square announced a new feature today that lets customers pre-order a cup of coffee so that their beverage is ready when they arrive. Traditionally, remote ordering has been difficult to execute for coffee shops because it jeopardizes the quality of goods. Johnny Brackett, a rep for Square, told Mashable via email that it’s hard to take a pre-order for a cup of coffee and have it be hot when a customer arrives. So they focused on building technology that would overcome this obstacle. The pre-order is only submitted to the baristas when the app determines they need to start brewing the coffee, based on the customer’s current location and the prep time for the drink. The Square Order app is available for download and will work with Blue Bottle Coffee, among other places.

Square let's you get it hot.

Square lets you get it hot.



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