Screen Shot 2014-09-05 at 12.35.05 PM (2)As it has been reported, the battery life on the Moto360 is so poor you cannot even for a full day.  However, there is hope.  The most recent firmware update had improved the battery life significantly.  So much so that users are reporting more then a day usage.  This assumes you are not using ‘always’ on, but that is not asking too much from the first generation color smart watches.  (And yes, I know Pebble users laugh at only have 1 day of battery).

Via reddit:

[–]RockItGuyDC 297 points

I keep responding to these posts, but here’s my best battery life yet. I took it off the charger at 10am today. Used it all day, 2 hours running navigation plus music controls in the car, checking emails and texts a few times an hour, responding to 15 or more texts from the watch, used QR codes on the watch to get into a party. It’s now almost 3am the next day and I’m at 41% battery! Couldn’t ask for more. Don’t need more.

[–]alexdrod 8 points

I can confirm. I was really struggling to make it through a full 12 hour cycle and the last couple days I’ve finished the day with 40% left.

[–]Dr_Nik 19 points

I made a post about this earlier but I am using the Moto360 with always on and now my watch outlasts my Nexus 5 battery. I’m easily getting 15 hrs out and active and get back home with 20% battery left.

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