whitehouse petitionAs I wrote yesterday, it is now illegal to unlock your phone to work on another carriers network. This will make quite a few people unhappy, especially those who make a business out of helping people get the codes needed to unlock their phones.  But they are not taking this laying down, already there is a petition with the White house to overturn or at least make unlocking permanently legal.  Unfortunately, they need 82,128 signatures and are currently only at 17,872.

whitehouse petition unlock

This is the first day so perhaps the news needs to spread out a bit more or perhaps a few more phone users need to run into this road block. We’ll see.  What I really hope is that consumers will start to realize the reason their cell phones service costs so much is because so many customers get locked into two year deals thus killing competition.  Sigh.  I think that hope is about as high as this petition getting signed.

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