December 18, 2012 | perivision | Leave a comment So your gmail and other Google apps have been acting up? Screen locking up? Mail not sending, then when it does you send out 2 or 3 copies? I sure have. The funny thing is this started for me the day after Google for iOS5. Now before any one jumps on this, I have no proof, and the issues I have seen and others I know having issues could be a coincidence, but it would make sense. The Google maps iOS app has been so successful that its possible that Google was not prepared and perhaps they are hitting the servers a littler harder then they planned for. Keep in mind the Google maps app passed 10M in just a few days. So given that data is going both ways, sending maps as well as collecting traffic information is a LOT of data for Google to absorb. If this is the case, can Google adjust? Sure, I would bet with a little tweaking of the servers they will be running smooth in a week. But for now, I’m going to be keeping a close eye out. You never know, could be even more downloads as non iOS 5 users like myself start using the app. Share and Enjoy !Shares