September 2, 2012 | iChuckydee | Leave a comment According to recent reports released by Apple, 3GS devices my be running low in the arsenal of their products. With a release date of late September moved forward to the 12th, the new iPhone5 looks like it may be pushing the (now 3 year old) iPhone 3GS to the curb. According to… “until further notice,” Genius Bars should perform the following for iPhone 3GSs: screen repairs, discuss the advantages of buying a new iPhone, and lastly, swapping out the full iPhone 3GS hardware… With supplies of the iPhone 3GS so low, Apple even tells employees to swap out affected 3GSs with an iPhone 4 replacement unit. That is if the particular store is completely out of the 3GS…” The 3GS is supposedly going to be “Update-able” to the new iOS6 platform, but with the “short stock” on hand, it may look like the end to some 3GS holders. Arguably, this may only be one of the many rumors circling over-head, above the anticipated release of the new i5 device. But if Apple is willing to up-grade you to a 4S… why not? More on iPhone… T-Mobile to “sell past” the iPhone Share and Enjoy !Shares