I will out the pdf link here as well in a bit.

That being said, good luck reading this.  Hopefully reddit will come back soon and you can read it there.

Here is the PDF!

I am Barack Obama, President of the United States — AMA _ IAmA

and for those who cannot read pdf, a REALLY poor cut and paste…

this page is temporarily in readonly
mode due to heavy traffic.
verified I am Barack Obama, President of the United States AMA
submitted 1 hour ago* by PresidentObama
Hi, I’m Barack Obama, President of the United States. Ask me anything. I’ll be
taking your questions for half an hour starting at about 4:30 ET.
Proof it’s me: https://twitter.com/BarackObama/status/240903767350968320
We’re running early and will get started soon.
UPDATE: Hey everybody this
is barack. Just finished a great rally in
Charlottesville, and am looking forward to your questions. At the top, I do want
to say that our thoughts and prayers are with folks who are dealing with
Hurricane Isaac in the Gulf, and to let them know that we are going to be
coordinating with state and local officials to make sure that we give families
everything they need to recover.
Verification photo: http://i.imgur.com/oz0a7.jpg
LAST UPDATE: I need to get going so I’m back in DC in time for dinner. But I
want to thank everybody at reddit for participating this
is an example of how
technology and the internet can empower the sorts of conversations that
strengthen our democracy over the long run. AND REMEMBER TO VOTE IN
you need to know how to register, go to Gottaregister.com. By
the way, if you want to know what I think about this whole reddit experience NOT
Verification System
[–] Shitty_Watercolour 379 points 25 minutes ago

View post on imgur.com

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[–] Drunken_Economist [M] 2040 points 1 hour ago*
The moderators and admins have confirmed this thread; this is actually President
Edit: and he’s confirmed via twitter
[–] TheAtomicPlayboy 1390 points 1 hour ago
Welcome to Reddit, Mr. President.
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[–] South_Dakota_Boy 274 points 1 hour ago
I’m surprised the username PresidentObama was even available. Or is the
man powerful enough to just take it over anyway? I’d hate to see the leader
of the free world reduced to taking a username like TheRealPresidentObama
or POTUS69 or xx_BarackObama_xx or something.
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[–] DirectCharge 1116 points 1 hour ago
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[–] mimicthefrench 187 points 1 hour ago
Not really, let’s be real here.
Although it’s funny to imagine President Obama sitting in the oval office
giggling and looking at photos of cats.
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[–] Konchezz
74 points 1 hour ago
Gooble Gabble Gooble Gabble.
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[–] KoreanTerran 286 points 1 hour ago

IAmA Request Guidelines
You must come up with 5 questions that
are specifically related to the topic. Those
9 minutes and already 200+ comments.
Good luck, Obama. You’re going to need it.
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[–] venividiikarma 99 points 1 hour ago
It’s pretty funny because people used to get scolded for doing a request
for Obama because he’d never do one.
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[–] Bowmore 90 points 1 hour ago
Hey Mr. Obama, can you tell us something we’re not supposed to know?
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[–] demaney 183 points 1 hour ago
For proof, did he send you a picture of him holding a dated index card? Or did the
Secret Service land a helicopter on your house?
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[–] yishan 761 points 1 hour ago
He faxed a copy of his birth certificate.
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[–] qkk 253 points 1 hour ago
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[–] jomsie 74 points 1 hour ago
I second the wow.
Would like to add a ‘holy smokes’.
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[–] girlpart 557 points 1 hour ago
a community for 3 years
message the moderators
5 questions cannot be general questions
that anyone could answer, like “what’s
your favorite color?”. Those five questions
must be posted in the text of the post. If
not, it will be removed.
Serious and Reasonable requests, no
“IAmA Request: God!” The best requests
would have a reason to believe they
would do it.
Search first! Duplicate requests will be
subject to removal

Coolest president ever? Coolest president ever.
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[–] jomsie 24 points 1 hour ago
Pretty cool president.
looks at a picture of Stephen Harper
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[–] Cooper0505 73 points 1 hour ago*
Haha, OP. I think you’ll find it’s President OP
EDIT: I see what you did there.
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[–] sabataco 39 points 1 hour ago
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[–] SharkGirl 1813 points 1 hour ago
We know how Republicans feel about protecting Internet Freedom. Is Internet
Freedom an issue you’d push to add to the Democratic Party’s 2012 platform?
[–] PresidentObama [S] 1722 points 56 minutes ago*
Internet freedom is something I know you all care passionately about; I do too.
We will fight hard to make sure that the internet remains the open forum for
everybody from
those who are expressing an idea to those to want to start a
business. And although there will be occasional disagreements on the details of
various legislative proposals, I won’t stray from that principle and
it will be
reflected in the platform.
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[–] asperous 162 points 54 minutes ago
internet remains the open forum for everybody
I don’t think we’re worried about it being open.
I think we’re worried about our government taking away our privacy and
unbiased access.
…and 8 more »
What do you say about that?
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[–] ordinaryrendition 453 points 54 minutes ago
Sure thing. Do you like cats?
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[–] CoCo26 136 points 52 minutes ago*
And although their will be occasional disagreements
I just corrected the President of the United States grammar.
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[–] davidjoho 239 points 1 hour ago
And when you say “Internet Freedom” do you mean the Republican version (“Freedom for the access provider
monopoly”) or the version in which the Internet is free to anyone with an idea or an expression?
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[–] nookrulz 714 points 1 hour ago
Mr. President, do you feel that there is a problem with the “revolving door” of congressmen and prominent
lobbyists? For an example, I’d point to former Senator Dodd, now the chief lobbyist for the MPAA. Is there anything
to be done about it?
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[–] erikNORML 67 points 53 minutes ago
Marijuana prohibition has resulted in the arrest of over 20 million Americans since 1965, countless lives ruined and
hundreds of billions of tax dollars squandered and yet this policy has still failed to achieve its stated goals of
lowering use rates, limiting the drug’s access, and creating safer communities.
Isn’t it time to legalize and regulate marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol? If not, please explain why you feel
that the continued criminalization of cannabis will achieve the results in the future that it has never achieved in the
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[–] hmlee 2314 points 1 hour ago
I am recent law school graduate. Despite graduating from a top school, I find myself unemployed with a large
student loan debt burden. While I’m sure my immediate prospects will improve in time, it’s difficult to be optimistic
about the future knowing that my ability to live a productive life to
have a fulfilling career, to buy a house, to
someday raise a family is
hampered by my debt and the bleak economic outlook for young people. I know that
I’m not alone in feeling this way. Many of us are demoralized. Your 2008 campaign was successful in large part due
to the efforts of younger demographics. We worked for you, we campaigned for you, and we turned out in record
numbers to vote for you. What can I say to encourage those in similar situations as I am to show up again in
November? What hope can you offer us for your second term?
[–] PresidentObama [S] 383 points 26 minutes ago
I understand how tough it is out there for recent grads. You’re right your
long term prospects are great, but that
doesn’t help in the short term. Obviously some of the steps we have taken already help young people at the start
of their careers. Because of the health care bill, you can stay on your parent’s plan until you’re twenty six. Because
of our student loan bill, we are lowering the debt burdens that young people have to carry. But the key for your
future, and all our futures, is an economy that is growing and creating solid middle class jobs and
that’s why the
choice in this election is so important. The other party has two ideas for growth more
taxs cuts for the wealthy
(paid for by raising tax burdens on the middle class and gutting investments like education) and getting rid of
regulations we’ve put in place to control the excesses on wall street and help consumers. These ideas have been
tried, they didnt work, and will make the economy worse. I want to keep promoting advanced manufacturing that
will bring jobs back to America, promote allAmerican
energy sources (including wind and solar), keep investing in
education and make college more affordable, rebuild our infrastructure, invest in science, and reduce our deficit in
a balanced way with prudent spending cuts and higher taxes on folks making more than $250,000/year. I don’t
promise that this will solve all our immediate economic challenges, but my plans will lay the foundation for long
term growth for your generation, and for generations to follow. So don’t be discouraged we
didn’t get into this fix
overnight, and we won’t get out overnight, but we are making progress and with your help will make more.
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[–] shemperdoodle 112 points 1 hour ago
Unfortunately you went to law school at a time when the job market for your prospective field was wildly
oversaturated. I don’t really feel like you can blame any politicians for that one.
Best of luck finding a job, though.
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[–] rankun 145 points 1 hour ago
This, you should answer this.
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[–] ormirian 2740 points 1 hour ago*
Are you considering increasing funds to the space program?
Edit: grammar
[–] PresidentObama [S] 2060 points 59 minutes ago
Making sure we stay at the forefront of space exploration is a big priority for my administration. The passing of
Neil Armstrong this week is a reminder of the inspiration and wonder that our space program has provided in the
past; the curiosity probe on mars is a reminder of what remains to be discovered. The key is to make sure that we
invest in cutting edge research that can take us to the next level so
even as we continue work with the
international space station, we are focused on a potential mission to a asteroid as a prelude to a manned Mars
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[–] s0crates82 1390 points 57 minutes ago
a asteroid
an asteroid, Mr. President.
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[–] TyluhS 792 points 49 minutes ago
A grammar nazi’s greatest dream… “an… Mr. President… An..”
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[–] OhRobots 158 points 47 minutes ago
Ahaha… I can just see you telling everyone you know tonight “I corrected the president on his grammar today.”
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[–] matt383
282 points 47 minutes ago
You’re about to get a knock on your door.
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[–] [deleted] 52 minutes ago
[deleted] permalink parent
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[–] DougSTL 42 points 47 minutes ago
Even the president isn’t safe of Reddit.
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[–] tsondie21 337 points 1 hour ago*
It seems like each new President brings a new direction to the Space Program. With Bush we got Constellation, and
you brought us more of a focus on Science missions. Do you have the ability to give NASA the power to choose it’s
own direction and not be hampered by whatever the President and Congress are feeling like that day?
Let me be clear, I love the direction that NASA is headed in currently but they could do so much for. I think that
just as much as NASA clearly needs a larger budget, they need the power to use that budget effectively.
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[–] havestronaut 254 points 1 hour ago
This is what all of our second grade teachers warned us about. “Learn to spell well, one day you may be spelling to
the President!”
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[–] TheAtomicPlayboy 240 points 1 hour ago
I’m still waiting for learning cursive to pay off.
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[–] TheEden 42 points 1 hour ago
As a girl about to finish my aerospace engineering degreePlease?
I promise to spend my life creating the first
black hole probe… You know you’re curious too.
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[–] suzmerk 576 points 1 hour ago
What are you going to do to end the corrupting influence of money in politics during your second term?
[–] PresidentObama [S] 663 points 41 minutes ago
Money has always been a factor in politics, but we are seeing something new in the noholds
barred flow of seven
and eight figure checks, most undisclosed, into superPACs;
they fundamentally threaten to overwhelm the political
process over the long run and drown out the voices of ordinary citizens. We need to start with passing the Disclose
Act that is already written and been sponsored in Congress to
at least force disclosure of who is giving to who.
We should also pass legislation prohibiting the bundling of campaign contributions from lobbyists. Over the longer
term, I think we need to seriously consider mobilizing a constitutional amendment process to overturn Citizens
United (assuming the Supreme Court doesn’t revisit it). Even if the amendment process falls short, it can shine a
spotlight of the superPAC
phenomenon and help apply pressure for change.
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[–] joshuaglynn 43 points 1 hour ago
This is by far the most important thing a president can do if they really want to make a change. And it’s not just
about elections. It’s about how laws are made. How we govern ourselves. How we protect our future
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[–] JrMint 1278 points 1 hour ago
It’s been stated that your favorite television show is The Wire. How do you think the war on drugs has affected
America, and would you work to end it?
[–] GreatLookingGuy 210 points 1 hour ago
I’d like to second this question and add that, as a drug user, the fact that drugs are illegal has acted only to
decrease the amount of money that I’m able to inject into our economy, instead I’m handing it over to Mexican
cartels and other illegal operations. I would love to walk into a pharmacy and buy everything I’d like over the
counter. I’m no less a productive citizen than I was before my drug use, but the cost of the drugs is just about the
only thing presently endangering my said productive status.
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[–] Anab10sis 8 points 1 hour ago
… and what’s your favourite TV show currently airing?
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[–] FifthSurprise 1066 points 1 hour ago
What was the most difficult decision that you had to make during this term?
[–] PresidentObama [S] 849 points 47 minutes ago
The decision to surge our forces in afghanistan. Any time you send our brave men and women into battle, you
know that not everyone will come home safely, and that necessarily weighs heavily on you. The decision did help
us blunt the taliban’s momentum, and is allowing us to transition to afghan lead so
we will have recovered that
surge at the end of this month, and will end the war at the end of 2014. But knowing of the heroes that have fallen
is something you never forget.
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[–] sheabd01 201 points 1 hour ago
President Obama, why didn’t you close Guantanamo Bay as you promised you would?
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[–] CallMeBert 370 points 1 hour ago
If you had the ability to automatically enact or repeal only one law without congressional approval, what would you
choose and why?
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[–] thecw 161 points 1 hour ago
Your administration has been very quiet regarding Americans’ issues with the TSA and their invasive security
procedures. Your administration even pulled a petition regarding making them answer a court order regarding the
naked scanners.
Do you have any plans to reel in the overreaching,
bureaucracy the TSA has become?
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[–] eddieohare 204 points 1 hour ago
What are you going to do in your second term to address the failed war on drugs?
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[–] ormirian 161 points 1 hour ago
What is the purpose of the embargo on cuba? will you consider lifting it? (Thanks for doing this AMA)
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[–] hueypriest [A] 930 points 1 hour ago
I can confirm that this is indeed legit.
[–] aNonSapient 265 points 1 hour ago
Stupid question I know but… Obama, or Obama staffers that are occasionally talking to Obama?
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[–] TbroOnline 87 points 1 hour ago
not stupid, this is a solid question
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[–] Magnum_Opus 12 points 1 hour ago
I suspect the latter partially due to: http://www.cspan.
I’ve held a similar ‘live chat’ with the UK equivalents, and they all had people typing for them. Not word for word,
but they would actually input on some things.
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[–] TheAtomicPlayboy 394 points 1 hour ago
How the hell did you guys pull this one off?
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[–] kn0thing [α] 1204 points 1 hour ago*
This is reddit. You all pulled this off by becoming the front page of the internet.
edit: I’m also hoping the administration was so responsive because secretly they’re all redditors.
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[–] GoldenGraham12 324 points 1 hour ago

View post on imgur.com

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[–] samsheffer 60 points 1 hour ago
Spoken like a true ambassador, Alexis.
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[–] redtaboo 24 points 1 hour ago
You done good, kn0thing, you done good.
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[–] sexrockandroll 32 points 1 hour ago
Reddit’s getting bigger; the president wants publicity for his upcoming campaign.
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[–] sidewinder1090 873 points 1 hour ago
In what ways will you attempt to make university a more affordable path for students?
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[–] notheory 126 points 1 hour ago*
Since this is the house that kn0thing built, let me ask a tech entrepreneurial questions.
1. I just found out yesterday about the changes your administration has proposed for tax rates on CCorps
(dropping the rates to 28%). Why isn’t anybody talking about this? I feel like this is something that you’d
want to make sure to get across to folks in the entrepreneurial world!
2. Does the democratic party know how much distrust it’s sown through the SOPA/PIPA efforts? I’m a staunch
liberal, and made sure to call my congress critters over this issue. Despite the extents to which your
administration has done on awesome tech issues, SOPA/PIPA hit a really sour note for folks like me.
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[–] SaffyTheGeek 242 points 1 hour ago
What are your plans to increase scientific literacy in America? (The recent levels are worrying most of the EU
citizens, including myself). I would recommend inspiring a new generation through space personally, with
subsidiary education funding increases, but I do understand it is a bad economic situation for America 9and the
world) at the moment.
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[–] meteorologygeek1 398 points 1 hour ago
The landing of Curiosity on Mars shows Americans still care deeply about our space exploration efforts. What are
your plans for NASA if you get reelected?
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[–] scnjedi 159 points 1 hour ago
Are there any plans to reduce military spending throughout 2013/14 and put the money into other areas such as
the space program or helping to overhaul the education and health care systems?
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[–] TheOtherOneIsMyAlt 840 points 1 hour ago
Let’s skip the marijuana legalization question that’ll show up at least 50 times on this page and get to a related
issue: After promising that you wouldn’t interfere with individual state decisions on medical use of cannabis, how
can you justify utilizing federal funds and agencies to shut down dispensaries and arrest people who are
legitimately sick?
[–] SunshineToss 53 points 1 hour ago
20 bucks says he doesn’t address this
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[–] shadowofthe 10 points 48 minutes ago
As a secondary point, what role do you think states’ rights (surrounding drug legalization) will play in the rest of
your presidency?
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[–] DaveMichael 210 points 1 hour ago
Sir, do you anticipate the SEC convicting anyone for the massive banking and securities fraud that caused the 2008
financial crisis?
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[–] pghgamecock 97 points 1 hour ago
What do you have to say about the drug war? Do you think it’s a problem that millions of Americans are in jail for
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[–] coffeeholic91 214 points 1 hour ago
Hey, I’m a Canadian and I’ve always wondered what you thought about the Canadian health care system compared
to the US health care system!
Thanks for doing an AMA!
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[–] neonsnow 166 points 1 hour ago
Mr. President What
issues, if any, do you agree with Mitt Romney that are not commonly endorsed by the
majority of the Democratic Party?
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[–] Drunken_Economist 14 points 1 hour ago
How did the “blackout” of websites like Reddit and Wikipedia affect the position of the administration on SOPA and
[–] pepesgt 251 points 1 hour ago
Mr. President, What are you doing about returning soldiers with PTSD, particularly those that have acquired various
drug addictions. I know there are a lot of VA facilities available, but they still have long waiting lists for the best
inpatient programs. I ask because of my brother, who did three tours in Iraq, was prescribed oxycodone for a
wartime injury, and came back with a bad heroin addiction. Please do more for these troops! Thank you.
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[–] r0ckflite 1125 points 1 hour ago
Why aren’t you more actively fighting RNC voter suppression?
[–] Bring_dem 197 points 1 hour ago
It occurs on the state level, it’s not his job.
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[–] moms3rdfavorite 52 points 1 hour ago
This is also something I would like to know. It is wrong on so many levels
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[–] 0accountability 207 points 1 hour ago
With all the patent lawsuits taking place recently, it has become painfully obvious that the system needs revision.
Action or inaction on this issue can affect innovation for years to come. How does your administration plan on
dealing with this issue during the next four years if you are reelected?
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[–] tauntology 1251 points 1 hour ago
A lot of us are worried about copyright law. Sopa, Acta, TPP… And the actions against Megaupload. Mainly because
these laws are excessive and limit rights. What is your stance on that?
[–] compto35 233 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, because this is a fairly worded question on the issue
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[–] daveforamerica 542 points 1 hour ago
What is the first thing you’ll do on November 7th, win or lose?
[–] PresidentObama [S] 1007 points 51 minutes ago
Win or lose, I’ll be thanking everybody who is working so hard especially
all the volunteers in field offices all
across the country, and the amazing young people in our campaign offices.
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[–] karlfranks 339 points 1 hour ago
Who’s your favourite Basketball player?
[–] PresidentObama [S] 1091 points 55 minutes ago
Jordan I’m
a Bulls guy.
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[–] ivanvzm 462 points 54 minutes ago*
damn right you are
edit: …sir.
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[–] JessicaGottlieb 211 points 1 hour ago
I have an 11 year old and a 13 year old child. I currently pay more for them to go to private school for one year
than I paid for my entire master’s degree.
What can you do to heal our very broken public school system (which I want to love)? What can I expect for them
when they go to college in a few short years?
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[–] georgegsmithjr 111 points 1 hour ago
President Obama How
can we help to increase the standard of debate in this country so that it’s not simple
soundbytes and broad generalizations of complicated problems?
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[–] Drunken_Economist 835 points 1 hour ago
If you had to select one nonpolitician
to be the next president, who would be your pick?
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[–] pterrydactyl 220 points 1 hour ago
Why haven’t you closed Guantanamo Bay?
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[–] Spooky64 385 points 1 hour ago
What actions would you implement to ensure the net stays free and open and we don’t see another SOPA?
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[–] 15blinks 78 points 1 hour ago*
What is being done to prevent future (and investigate past) tampering with election equipment? There is some
pretty damning evidence of vote tampering in 2004, most prominently in Ohio. As a resident of Ohio in 2004, why
should we even bother voting if our votes are filtered through Republicanowned
data centers?
Edit: Recent frontpage
link on Reddit
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[–] mthreat 51 points 1 hour ago
Mr. President, when will the United States officially move to the metric system?
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[–] Joenothin 63 points 1 hour ago
My question is this: Why would you sign the NDAA when it included language that would allow the indefinite
detention of Americans without due process. I understand that this was the de facto case for awhile. Now it’s law.
This passed by overwhelming bipartisan
support, despite being hated by most citizens. It feels like the
government, including the Executive branch, no longer work for the citizens that elect them. (By the way, I fully
supported your first campaign, but I’m now disillusioned and disappointed.)
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[–] jblo 71 points 1 hour ago
Mr. President : are you going to reach out to the Libertarians on some level to garner some votes on a few issues
like pulling out of the middle east?
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[–] thegamersfix 50 points 1 hour ago
As a small business owner, my biggest issue in expanding and hiring more people is the necessary funds to do so.
What can be done to encourage banks to lend more to small businesses in order to encourage growth. Thank You.
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[–] rvaen 614 points 1 hour ago
why did you cave to continuing the war on drugs?
[–] wtfusernametaken 81 points 1 hour ago
Specifically by persecuting people involved in state sanctioned medical marijuana programs ( which you and Holder
promised your administration wouldn’t do?).
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[–] katekatekate 628 points 1 hour ago
Mr. PresidentThank
you for doing this!
You’re likely to get a lot of questions about policy, and those are important; but I’m interested in hearing a story.
Can you tell us about visiting a favorite town or location, anywhere in the world, and why the experience stands
out in your memory?
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[–] dothefandango 61 points 1 hour ago
What is the number one misconception about yourself or your campaign that you wish you clear up.
[–] silent1mezzo 764 points 1 hour ago
What’s the recipe for the White House’s beer?
[–] PresidentObama [S] 1014 points 41 minutes ago
It will be out soon! I can tell from first hand experience, it is tasty.
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[–] Door_Knob 59 points 1 hour ago
and how can I get a bottle?
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[–] lotictrance 143 points 1 hour ago
Well. This is a surprise.
How could you see your second term differing from the first in the sense of overall effectiveness with Congress?
It’s seemed as if the Legislature has made several attempts of yours mindnumbingly
difficult to pull off could
you see yourself playing hardball a bit more with the Republicans in Congress if you win a second term?
And hey, thanks for doing an AMA. Good luck in November I’ll
be voting for you again in Tennessee, although the
rest of the state will likely not… again…
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[–] wogiep07 51 points 1 hour ago
How do you plan to provide support and improve education? In particular how will you address issues in education
such as, middle class college students at risk of burden from debt, and our K12
system that is struggling from
multiple funding cuts.
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[–] JBSchweitzer 94 points 1 hour ago*
Mr. President,
If you were to reimagine
the campaign finance structure, what might that system look like?
I understand that with the Citizens United ruling, that process is a difficult fix, potentially left to a constitutional
amendment, but in this case I’m simply wondering what your feelings on the “right” change might look like. One
that would still allow for enough income to run a field operation, or internal polling? Or possibly a bare bones
volunteer campaign?
Thank you, Sir!
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[–] ZaBlanc 73 points 1 hour ago*
Hello, Mr. President! Big fan. 🙂
I’d like to know what you feel about what I think is a very undertalkedabout
issue…assisted suicide. I’m 35 now, but when I’m older I don’t want to suffer with some slowmoving
cancer or
other terrible, uncurable disease. It’s a big fear and it’s sad so many people have to die with so little dignity.
What’s your position?
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[–] pnothing 10 points 1 hour ago
Mr President, are you concerned about the division the US has? Red and blue, christian and secular, prolife
its become almost like a football rivalry where you want the other team to lose even if it is not in the
benefit of anyone. What can be done to amend this?
[–] PreferedNomenclature 132 points 1 hour ago
Why does your administration raid so many stateapproved
medical marijuana dispensaries?
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[–] kilgoresalmon 55 points 1 hour ago
What is your biggest regret about the 2 years where we had a Democratic president and a supermajority
in the
house and senate?
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[–] gobearss 250 points 1 hour ago
Is there anything going to be done about the current state of student loans?
[–] starcastic 113 points 1 hour ago
How about the tuition problem that’s creating the loans?
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[–] Tropist 88 points 1 hour ago
Coming up: Tactful avoidance of marijuana questions and disappointment from /r/trees.
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[–] flashgurdon 52 points 1 hour ago
What’s keeping you from closing down Guantanamo Bay as promised?
[–] Arlington_Ent 509 points 1 hour ago
What is the plan for Gitmo Bay? and for marijuana legislation?
[–] DeathWalrus 7 points 1 hour ago
I’d like to see how he responds, given that there doesn’t seem to be any set deadline for the closing of
Guantanamo, nor has he definitively taken one side or the other on marijuana legislation.
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[–] BackFire349 165 points 1 hour ago
Why are we still in Afghanistan?
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[–] lrgmcC 67 points 1 hour ago
I’m a 25% owner in a small family business (125 emps). How do I convince my 3 partners that the local and sate
chambers, business news about how much more Obamacare and Fed regs will cost us is BS? Some great
infographics from your campaign team would be really helpful!
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[–] beefsupreme 322 points 1 hour ago*
How do you feel about the republicans snubbing Ron Paul at the GOP convention?
[–] muddylemon 64 points 1 hour ago
The killed him? Jesus, they’re getting pretty serious down there.
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[–] DJUrsus 8 points 1 hour ago
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[–] ImHully 62 points 1 hour ago
Hello Mr. President!
If you could take back one decision you have made in office, what would it be?
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[–] PartyInYourMouth 188 points 1 hour ago*
How are you going help small businesses in 2013 and 2014? and what if any bills are you going to impliment for
small businesses, in 2013, and 2014?
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[–] white_stone 194 points 1 hour ago
What has been your favorite moment of your presidency? The saddest?
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[–] TheAtomicPlayboy 44 points 1 hour ago
Mr. President, I was fortunate enough to see Al Gore speak at a private event earlier this month. During his
presentation he repeatedly impressed that climate change is the great challenge of this generation. He also spoke
of the recent cap and trade programs that have begun in India and China. What is your impression of these
programs, and do you see something similar being effective in the United States?
[–] oliveasudden 7 points 1 hour ago
What are your plans to improve the dismal economic outlook for young people entering the workforce during your
[–] TheDoBoy 51 points 1 hour ago
President Obama: What is one belief or principle about government that you want to let the Reddit community
know that separates you from your political candidate, Mitt Romney? Thank you for doing this AMA
[–] EeStew 392 points 1 hour ago
What are you going to do to further LGBTQ rights in this country?
[–] footnotefour 23 points 1 hour ago
What more are you going to do to further LGBTQ rights in this country?
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[–] TorDrowae 686 points 1 hour ago
Abdulrahman AlAwlaki,
a 16yearold
American citizen, was killed in a US drone strike (presumably one you
ordered) in Yemen last year. Sure, the teen’s dad was an Al Qaeda propagandist (and in close communication with
Osama bin Laden), and he was probably collateral damage, not a target himself. Still, how does it make you feel?
Do you ever think about it? Knowing then what you know now, would you still have ordered the strike?
[–] Philipp 17 points 1 hour ago*
[Related question] Are drone kills in countries no war has been declared on fulfilling the standards of a “fair trial
before verdict” and “innocent until proven guilty in a court of law”? Thanks.
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[–] Munz0 17 points 1 hour ago
I feel like there are way too many politicians that put more value in keeping their jobs over legitimately wanting to
help the country. I feel like term limits for Senate/House reps could help reduce this kind of issue. Would you be
willing to support term limits for congress members?
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[–] jamie79512 65 points 1 hour ago
Barack, I know you’ve received a lot of criticism for “Obamacare”, and it may not be a perfect solution, but I think
it’s a step in the right direction. It has personally been a big help within my family.
I lost my big sister to cancer exactly 3 months ago. If it weren’t for some of the laws you helped create, she would
have left her husband millions of dollars in debt. Because of those laws, she was able to fight it with every possible
treatment we could find without worrying about where we would get the money.
Thank you.
I only wish she could tell you that herself, she was very grateful for the chances she was given. My whole family is
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[–] gabmonty 141 points 1 hour ago
Mr. PresidentHypothetically,
if the United States had no debt, what would you spend money on?
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[–] rusher3655 344 points 1 hour ago
What made you come to reddit for an AMA?
[–] darknessthatisnot 318 points 1 hour ago
He probably has something to promote.
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[–] weekendofsound 324 points 1 hour ago
UGH. I hope it’s not some kind of fucking cologne or miracle supplement.
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[–] everred 323 points 1 hour ago
Let’s stick to questions about the movie
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[–] weekendofsound 65 points 1 hour ago
I was wondering when we were going to get to the rampart jokes.
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[–] banjoman74 52 points 1 hour ago
Why do you think the majority of politicians are so slow on understanding and the proper use/etiquette of digital
media? And do you feel you have a strong understanding of the medium, or do you rely heavily on experts around
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[–] aNonSapient 192 points 1 hour ago
Mr. Obama,
what can be done to get politics based more on reason again, Removing the lies and absurdities?
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[–] andruf 92 points 1 hour ago
How can you justify the continued imprisonment of Pfc Bradley Manning? When the whole Bush administration got
no charges for torture and war crimes?
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[–] redtaboo 118 points 1 hour ago
What were you thinking when you walked into the Oval Office for the first time as president?
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[–] Eyedrinker 41 points 1 hour ago
What are your thoughts regarding the media’s reluctance to factcheck
political statements for fear of accusations
of bias?
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[–] scrabblydab 42 points 1 hour ago
Hi Mr. President! Welcome to Reddit and thanks for taking the time to talk to us!
My question is this: A lot of people on Reddit say that there is little difference between you and Gov. Romney I
think the reason that they say this is mostly because of the wars in Afghanistan and overall military policy, and
that’s the place where people want to see the most change.
My question is this: what can we expect from you on this issue that we won’t see from a Romney Administration,
or what will be the key differences in your defense policy from Romney’s?
[–] posthumous 9 points 1 hour ago
When are you going to close Guantanamo?
[–] WonkYouOut 58 points 1 hour ago
Mr. President, have you considered, or will you consider an executive order to end DOMA?
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[–] dipcity 4 points 1 hour ago
Mr. President, thanks for doing this. Quick and easy question. Who do you predict winning the 2013 NBA
[–] vslain 6 points 40 minutes ago
Mr. President: I’m a woman in my midtwenties.
It seems like every day a new legislator or public figure makes
YET ANOTHER outrageous attack on my body and my identity as a woman. If you’re elected in November, what
steps will you take to ensure a firewall between this misogyny and women everywhere? What should we do to try
to change these demeaning ideaswhich,
I think, are far less fringe than we’d like to believe? Thank you and good
luck in November!
[–] Rosalin7 5 points 38 minutes ago
President Obama, What is the biggest Republican misconception that you would like to get clarified for the voting
public? Thanks for coming on Reddit…Best of luck for 2012, I know you have my vote!
[–] ghostrocket 27 points 1 hour ago
Hello Mr. President. Thank you for doing this AMA. Supporting Net Neutrality will protect our freedoms in the
immediate future as well as hundreds of years down the line. This is about free speech. What will you do in your
second term to support & protect net neutrality?
[–] MySnakeIsAwesome 51 points 1 hour ago
The ice in the arctic is the lowest ever recorded, and there are two more weeks of melting left in the summer. Will
climate change get the attention it so desperately needs in your second term?
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[–] funkmagnet 69 points 1 hour ago
How do you deal with attack ads? Many of them are blatantly false, yet, there are never any repercussions for
those running the ads. Is it upsetting, or just “politics?”
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[–] thereal_plaidavenger 16 points 1 hour ago
Would you be brave enough to do a Q&A with college students JUST on foreign policy and America’s international
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[–] YourCousinJeffrey 37 points 1 hour ago
Are you worried about the precedent being set by extensive use of American drones over sovereign nations with
which we are not at war? What happens when countries like Pakistan or Yemen get drone technology and try to use
it over the US, citing our use of drones over their countries as examples?
[–] gobearss 172 points 1 hour ago
How do you balance family life and hobbies with, well, being the POTUS?
[–] PresidentObama [S] 129 points 18 minutes ago
It’s hard truthfully
the main thing other than work is just making sure that I’m spending enough time with
michelle and the girls. The big advantage I have is that I live above the store so
I have no commute! So we make
sure that when I’m in DC I never miss dinner with them at 6:30 pm even
if I have to go back down to the Oval
for work later in the evening. I do work out every morning as well, and try to get a basketball or golf game in on
the weekends just to get out of the bubble. Speaking of balance, though, I need to get going so I’m back in DC in
time for dinner. But I want to thank everybody at reddit for participating this
is an example of how technology
and the internet can empower the sorts of conversations that strengthen our democracy over the long run. AND
you need to know how to register, go to Gottaregister.com. By the way, if
you want to know what I think about this whole reddit experience NOT
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[–] EricLindros 56 points 1 hour ago
Hi, big fan here. I’ve got two quick questions:
Do you consider the War on Drugs to be a failure. Why or why not?
And second, what do you say to the families of the US Citizens you’ve ordered droned to death by executive fiat,
and how does such an order comport with your understanding of constitutional law.
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[–] mpeterson4 125 points 1 hour ago
If you had to pick an area for improvement in our country, what would it be? What is the most important thing?
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[–] demaney 53 points 1 hour ago
What do you think about Congress’s approval rating? It seems like a lot of people blame you directly for a lot of
what happens regarding laws, but isn’t Congress the branch that writes laws? Why don’t people vote for new
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[–] [deleted] 1 hour ago
[deleted] permalink
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[–] pikpikcarrotmon 380 points 1 hour ago
Toilet paper facing
out, or facing in?
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[–] rvaen 74 points 1 hour ago
Are you actually typing these responses, is it just a campaign lackey, or are you not even aware that this is going
on? Pics for proof (this is the internet, the rules still apply)
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[–] SoDakLiberal 51 points 1 hour ago
I look forward to seeing you in person again in Sioux City on Saturday. Please address questions regarding
marijuana policy. It is time to legalize, tax and regulate. Will you at least commit to reviewing this policy in the
next four years?
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[–] guitarromantic 213 points 1 hour ago
Do you feel the USA should work to change its rules on gun ownership in light of the recent shootings? How do you
feel the USA is perceived around the world for its stance on this issue?
[–] Xikawnix 47 points 1 hour ago
In light of recent shootings
This is not the first time a crazy person has gained access to a firearm, and it will not be the last. It is simply not a
good argument for gun control.
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[–] rickdabunny 16 points 1 hour ago
The current US Patent system is hurting small businesses, in response the EFF has released seven proposals for
fixing the patents system. What plan does your administration have to address these issues?
[–] the_schizoid_man 49 points 1 hour ago
Why do petitions keep disappearing from whitehouse.gov?
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[–] Richgart 52 points 1 hour ago
Hey Mr. Obama, I think it’s great that your getting to talk to people on reddit.
Here’s my question. For those of us who aren’t 18 yet, what should we be looking for in future presidential
candidates when we vote?
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[–] ccj 100 points 1 hour ago
As a former constitutional law professor, can you explain how it is legal to kill an American citizen with a Predator
drone without due process?
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[–] moms3rdfavorite 30 points 1 hour ago
What is it like to award the Medal of Honor to someone? Do you guys have a beer and talk a little beforehand, or is
it very formal?
[–] nathanthenerd 183 points 1 hour ago
It’s such a shame that I’m from the UK, Mr. President, you’re fantastic!
[–] whitew0lf 145 points 1 hour ago
Canada agrees
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[–] Magnum_Opus 102 points 1 hour ago
I echo this, for the people of the UK, please win the next election!
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[–] vicoesco 37 points 1 hour ago
Mr. President, what would you do differently in your second term if reelected, than you have done in the first?
[–] craigatron 91 points 1 hour ago
Do you intend to release the White House Honey Ale recipe as requested in this petition? If not, why do you hate
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[–] Huntho21 6 points 1 hour ago
Hello Mr president, as a resident of the UK i am just wondering what is your honest opinion on the Eurozone Crisis.
How would you handle it?
[–] circulatingideas 5 points 1 hour ago
Mr. President, the everyday person needs to possess a firm grasp on digital literacies to interact with our everchanging
connected world, and librarians are on the forefront of leading the teaching of these skills but many times
lack the funding to properly do so. How would you do more to support libraries and librarians in your second term
to ensure that all Americans bridge the digital divide?
[–] EWess92 3 points 1 hour ago
Both parties have run decidedly meanspirited
and honestly truthchallenged
campaigns. How do you plan to make
your ads, speeches and surrogates more honest?
[–] rhymeswithsarah 5 points 55 minutes ago
Thanks you, a million times thank you for everything you’ve done for LGBT rights advances so far. I never thought
I’d see the end of DADT, backing off on DOMA, and a president coming out in favor of marriage equality this soon.
Keep doing what you do.
[–] goodasyou 6 points 52 minutes ago
Can we trust you to speak out against the discriminatory ballot fights attempting to rollback/halt/limit marriage
equality in MN, ME, WA, and MD?
[–] summinspicy 2 points 40 minutes ago
Why aren’t you watching the opening ceremony of the Paralympics?
[–] forsaken 28 points 1 hour ago
What are your views on changing the transportation infrastructure in the US to reduce the sprawl of cars, and
make communities more livable?
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[–] Siphadiaz 41 points 1 hour ago
How do you plan on continuing your efforts in improving the U.S.’s infrastructure in your next four years?
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[–] hankypinky 79 points 1 hour ago*
Are you ever going to legalize marijuana on the federal level?
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[–] scenic_route23 46 points 1 hour ago
When will the banksters be held accountable for their piracy?
[–] CampfireWeiners 30 points 1 hour ago
What is your favorite room in the White House?
[–] nirad 29 points 1 hour ago
What are your primary goals for your second term? If Republicans maintain control of Congress and win control of
the Senate, how will you accomplish substantive policy goals when they have publicly admitted that their primary
goal is to obstruct you?
[–] Jakebob 9 points 48 minutes ago
How many staffers are helping you with this AMA?
[–] OdhranR 112 points 1 hour ago
Who takes care of Bo, day to day? Do your daughters have most of the responsibility or does he have special
doggy assistants?
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[–] lbiewald 31 points 1 hour ago
Are there publications or blogs that you read regularly? Do you watch the same news channels that the rest of us
do? Is it hard to take unending public criticism and second guessing? Was it hard to get used to?
[–] Robomney2012 202 points 1 hour ago*
How can you claim the power to assassinate and indefinitely detain U.S. citizens without trial?
What about your failed promise to close gitmo?
What about your failed promise to shut down the NSA’s illegal wiretaping program?
Is U.S. democracy an illusion?
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[–] itsme3 85 points 1 hour ago
As a college student who is interested in politics, what was it that first inspired you to go into politics? What’s your
first recollection of being interested politics?
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[–] Ghola 144 points 1 hour ago
Why did you predetermine
Bradley Manning to be guilty?
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[–] Ghola 57 points 1 hour ago
Isn’t it against the constitution to detain American citizens without a trial?
[–] jaybeas 27 points 1 hour ago
If you could do one thing differently from your first term as President, what would it be?

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