At the recent World Wide Developers Conference, one of the new feature shown off  the expansion of Siri’s language capabilities to Mandarin and Cantonese.  Must reviews are fairly mixed; noting the sounds is mechanical and comprehension is limited to fairly basic sentences. Tienanmen Square.  From VentureBeat.

As China Real Time says, Siri responds to questions like “Do you know about the Tiananmen incident?” with the fairly bizarre: “I couldn’t find any appointments related to ‘Do you know about Tiananmen.” And another attempt, “What happened on June 4, 1989?” received an even more odd answer: “I’m sorry, the person you are looking for is not in your address book.”

There are also reports the if you try to ask for directions to Tiananmen Square, Siri will not know how to get there.  Same with other political sensitive sites.   I’m not surprised though.  Most companies have to compromise to function in China.  This is just yet another case.

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