June 6, 2011 | perivision | 1 Comment This just came up on Reddit. Its code that will allow you to place rage faces in your facebook chat. WIN. I downloaded the code but will not have a chance to mess with it until tomorrow. But here are the links. I also put them on my own server since the originals are getting hit pretty hard. Most likely I’ll take my links down in a few days Org: http://bit.ly/iXWMVc PVN: perivision.net/testing/Facebook-Rage-Faces.crx Here is the source code. Org: https://github.com/josePhoenix/Reddit-Rage-Faces PVN: perivision.net/testing/josePhoenix-Reddit-Rage-Faces-5fade75.zip More Rage Comics posts here. Share and Enjoy !Shares