I had to share these 2 items that leverage innovative tools and technologies to tell better stories.

First is Our Choice, an interactive e-book by Al Gore.  Our Choice is an interactive 400-page book with videos, photos, and info-graphic content that illustrates how powerful interactive story telling can be. It was developed in collaboration with Push Pop Press debuting their digital publishing platform. The e-book is available for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad.

Push Pop Press’s platform is still in private beta and states it is redefining the way we will publish and experience books. Authors can mix together text, images, sound, video, and interactive graphics into immersive multi-finger touch interactive books without, “dealing with the complexities and costs normally involved in software development.” I can’t wait for public beta!  Have a look at the video below.

Next up is 3 Dreams of Black. 3 Dreams of Black is an interactive film by Chris Milk and some friends at Google that showcases the creative potential of combining 2D graphics, video, and hardware accelerated 3D to tell a story.



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