

Mobipark is free until end of day 4/9/11. Download it now and get the app for free instead of $1.99 US.

Where did you leave your car? When do you need to move it to avoid a costly ticket? How do you get back to a location if  you’re in an unfamiliar city?

Mobipark combines GPS and manual map-enabled bookmarking for up to four locations. It also features an easy to use parking meter timer to automatically alert you when it’s time to put money in your meter, and notification for when you need to move your car for street sweeping. You will get an alert even if the app is not running!

GPS enabled map marker

GPS enabled map marker

Save map positions with automatic GPS tracking (requires GPS-equipped device) or tap a location for manual markers. Tap the walking man to get walking directions from your current location to the desired location. In the notes section, there’s easy to use picker wheel interface for saving parking place numbers, levels, colors, or the date and time to move your car for street cleaning or snow plowing.

Automatic popup notifications when it’s time to move your car, or when your parking meter is about to expire

We have international support, you can display distances in either kilometers or miles.


Mobipark Meter

Mobipark Meter Picker Wheel

Mobipark Notes

Mobipark Notes, for multilevel garage and streetsweeping

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