Yes, the plug has been pulled on the Palm pretty and Pixie.  Raise your hand if you are surprised. So today Sprint has taken the Pre out of the store. Yes you can still find them in the Verizon store, but for $50 and $30 respectively with a two year plan.  Not exactly getting the big demand.  And what killed the Pre?  Not the OS.  The WebOS is actually pretty good and HP paid BIG bucks for it thinking it could be used for tablets, or slates. The hardware was not all that great, but not that bad either.  No what killed it is no one wants to write apps for it.  All the app developers are writing for Apple right now although the tide is shifting to the Android platform. I have said this before; although cannot find the post at the moment, but Palm has one shot at getting back in the game against Apple, Google and Microsoft, and they blow it with the worse advertaising compain ever.   To add insult to injury, when someone tried to start a WebOSCamp like we have with the iPhone, the Palm people (mostly the legal people) kept getting in the way to the point that the founders lost interest.

Palm:  You had a GREAT lead with a great product back in the day.  Put out what I would consider the first really good mass produced smart phone in the Kyrocera 6035.  Then you failed to take that lead and keep innovating and leading the market.  FAIL.  Then once you get a good phone you mess up the first community effort to get programmers and the WORST advert series ever.  Palm, your Epic Failure is now complete.

As much of a Palm fan boy that I am, or at least was, I never thought for one moment about writing for the Pre. There is simply no market there. And I do not know a single person who wrote apps for it either.  Pretty telling right?   But like I said before, I do plan on buying a palm Pre just to complete my collection.

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