October 10, 2010 | perivision | 1 Comment We know that on 10/10/10 the GreenPois0n jailbreak was suppose to hit the street. But nothing. Instead, Geohot takes the 10/10/10 prize and releases limera1n. Windows only at the moment, sorry Mac people. Like GreenPois0n limera1n is suppose to be a low lever jailbreak that in not patchable by hardware, meaning that you are pretty much future proof for getting to the hack. As I said my previous post on jailbreaking; this does not mean Apple cannot find other ways of putting road blocks in the way; Apple could detect that a hack has been put in place force a reboot or throw up nag screen or who know. Not too likely though; if they were going to do this, they would have done it already. I since limer1a is new, I would again hold off and lets see how it does on the street. Eitherway, seems the new rush is to not only jailbreak and and unlock the iphone ipad, but make it un-patchable. That would be nice. Here is a quick quote from Geohot site.. limera1n, 6 months in the making iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3G, iPad, iPhone 4, iPod Touch 4G 4.0-4.1 and beyond+++ limera1n is unpatchable untethered thanks to jailbreakme star comex released today to get chronicdev to do the right thing brought to you by geohot hacktivates Mac coming soon… Share and Enjoy !Shares