April 30, 2010 | perivision | 1 Comment Yesterday was a big day in the Great Tablet War. Both Microsoft’s Courier and HP’s Slate went down in defeat. Google, the only major player left has yet to join the battle. As such, we can call Apple’s iPad as the victor in the first major engagement. And now their forces grow with the iPad3G. However, I still was not planning on buying the iPad. Not at least till the iPad 3G comes out and ‘hopefully’ puts a few used iPad wifi’s on the market. Well, the iPad 3G was just announced as available. And with Apple owning the battle field, my hope of seeing early adopters dropping the original iPad to get the 3G, and thus create a nice used market, is pretty much not going to happen. Sigh. Oh well, I’ve waiting this long, I can wait longer. However, as I mentioned yesterday with HP Slate dying, unless the gSlate has more to offer then rumored, (or is $150 less then the iPad) I may end up getting the iPad after all. I still want Flash yea know. No surprises here. At&T and $15, $30 a month of service. AT&T 3G Data Plans for iPad Data per month Price per month 250MB $14.99 Unlimited $29.99 Prices have not changed either. So if you have been waiting to get the 3G, now’s the time. Wi-Fi 16GB1 Ships: 5-7 business days Free Shipping $499.00 32GB1 Ships: 5-7 business days Free Shipping $599.00 64GB1 Ships: 5-7 business days Free Shipping $699.00 Wi-Fi + 3G 3G data plan sold separately. 16GB1 Ships: By May 7th Free Shipping $629.00 32GB1 Ships: By May 7th Free Shipping $729.00 64GB1 Ships: By May 7th Free Shipping $829.00 Share and Enjoy !Shares