from Kevin C. Tofel

I still do not have the Nexus One, and still trying to get my hands on Google’s phone, although I ‘could’ just go out and buy the bloody thing, but where is the sport in that? Plus, I’m not looking for a replacement phone… yet.  So again, anyone have a Nexus I can borrow or want to sell used, let me know.  Now on to the tip.

I read this on a site called jkontherun by By Kevin C. Tofel Since I do not have the device, I can only go by what he states and the comments that seem to back him up, but based on dealing with dropped calls with the iPhone, this fix makes sense.  What he did is go into the phones settings and have the phone ‘rediscover’ the towers in the area.  I remember doing this back in the day with my treo and once with the iphone when it first came out. Here are the steps.

From “Settings,” look  for the “Mobile Networks” option at the bottom of this listing. Tap on  “Network Operators” section. The Nexus One will search for compatible GSM networks in the area. When done, you should see choices of T-Mobile and/or AT&T. You’ll should also see ‘Select Automatically’ — tap it and your phone should say “Registered on network.”  Hopefully.  Its depends on what towers are in the area of course. Most of the comments tell of success but not when going from area to area.  So when you leave a cell grouping and go to another one, or you do a hard reset or whatever else could cause you to lose contact with the cell towers, you may need to perform this again.  Once I get my hands on one of these guys for a few days I’ll test this out.

Good luck!

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