July 22, 2009 | perivision | Leave a comment This was funny. I have a number of cassettes from ‘back in the day’. Quite a large number in fact. So I decided that I would get my old cassette player and convert them to mp3 at work since I’m at the desk most of the day there anyway. So I packed my ‘ol cassette player into my backpack and as I was just about to jump on the back of my motorcycle, it fell! I still took it to work hoping it would still work. No luck. I went to our audio/video division. So not only do we not have a single tape player in the whole building, there were some people (very young as you would guess) who paused at first saying back to me ..’ a cassette player???’ So I send out an internal email asking if anyone knew of once in the building. And the 4 funniest replies.. 4) what is a cassette player? 3) I found this in Wikipedia: http://bit.ly/zRl2W . they were all the rage in the 80s and early 90 2) Where’s the USB port to upload music to it? …and number 1 >Where’s the USB port to upload music to it? You need an adapter http://bit.ly/18JhWg Love it! BTW you can find really nice decks on craigslist for around 20-25 bucks. I WILL get these tapes digitized! Share and Enjoy !Shares