March 15, 2009 | perivision | 1 Comment Friendfilter, a service of has gone Beta! Currently, when you get a new follower, twitter sends you a generic email saying.. you got a new follower.. Well, great, but that does not tell me anything. Friendfilter is a service that will check for new followers and score them relative to you. A scorecard is then emailed to you allowing you to decide if this is someone you should check into, friend immediately, or ignore completely. You can also set a min score required before you even get bothered with an email. Score is from -1 to 5. The -1 is targeted toward spam, but on occation I will get a new user. All new users are still in the address book, so nothing is lost. Those of score -1 are never emailed. The idea is to keep email down to a minimum. Now, this is Beta remember, so please email me if you have any issues. Yes, this is what I do when I’m not writing about the iphone. 🙂 Sign up here.. Share and Enjoy !Shares