{update 2} First… What is CupCake Camp?  From the site..

CupcakeCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and eat cupcakes in an open environment. This was put together by:

Ariel Waldman, Lynn, Marianne Masculino and Cindy Li created the CupcakeCamp phenomenon.

From me..

CupCakeCamp is an excuse to make all kinda of odd cupcakes and get together with friends to eat said cupcakes…  Well, that’s how it started… I guess 4 years ago?  Now its a public event.  I would not be surprised to see it listed on a tour guide for San Francisco one day.

Cupcake this year ’09 was MUCH more organized as far as dealing with crowds.  They now have a ticket system, (its not cost anything, but you should still donate) where you get front line access for 2 cupcakes, after that, you have to stand in the longer line.  And there were lines!  But that’s ok.  There were good designs as always, but here two one I really liked.

iphone 151 iphone 152

I did not get the shot glass one, but those who did kept that glass. Nice.

Original Post…

Every now and again, its nice to be able to video and broadcast even when you were not planning on it. I was at cupcake camp and it was a madhouse. Lord of the flies in full effect when the cupcakes came out. So I took a few shots, then thought, this is a video moment. Now Cycorder will do a better job of recording, but in this case, broadcasting in real time is more fun vs recording, going home and hoping I get around to moving the files off the iphone and then post them somewhere.

So when you ask why did I jailbreak? Here you go..


{update} Well, what do you know.. This video, and another I randomly shot interviewing one of the cupcake creators won best decorated!!  Congrats to  Alexa Andrzejewski for Spaghetti & Meatballs!!

BTW, If you missed CupCake Camp, yea you missed out. 🙂

Flickr images tagged CupCake Camp.

This last pic was from my iphone.  Not bad.

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