November 20, 2008 | perivision | 1 Comment I do not need a battery pack since I have so many power adapters from testing, 🙂 but if I needed one, there are two things I will look for… It should be form fitting such that it becomes part of the phone or at least provide enough protection for the phone such that I can dispense of my current iPhone case, second, it should have a light/flash for taking pics and movies, and optimally, a better speaker. I did take a look at dongle batteries, but all of them lack a light. I can see a dongle based solution if you are just looking to extend battery life and do not mind insuring you carry it around, but I really want that light. 🙂 So, I did a bit of looking and did not find the ‘perfect’ battery pac, but here are a few that came close.. The Power Slider I really like this design. Its not available till Nov 28, so I do not have a price. If they had lights in it, sold. I’m going to send them an email to get more info on how it was made. If possible, I may put them in myself. 🙂 I’ll keep yea posted on that. IPhone Battery Pack and Charger + Speaker [CVSL-113] This looks pretty good, and its low priced at $32 which is pretty cheap. Again, no light and from what I can tell, this would not be easy to hack. This unit has a speaker though. Big plus. FastMac IV This unit has the light I want and an extra USB out in case you have a bluetooth headset that chargers via USB. Its $80 but looks pretty well built. No speaker though, and as for form.. Meh. So basically, there is not one unit that has everything I want, so what do I do?? Well, keep my retractable charger in my computer bag, keep a charger in the car and get my soldering pencle warmed up and make my own light! I’ll let you know when I give it a shot. Share and Enjoy !Shares